

In 2019, esball国际平台客户端获得了美国国家科学基金会(NSF)近100万美元的资助,这笔资金将用于减少科学领域的偏见, 技术, Engineering and Math (STEM).

这个项目, 茎的领导, Equity and Advancement of Faculty (STEM LEAF), 旨在影响积极的制度变革,减少与性别和种族交叉问题相关的隐性或无意偏见, 种族, 原产国, 性取向, 和残疾, 系统和公平地支持包容性领导技能的发展和女性STEM教师的专业进步, and to implement sustainable, systematic changes across the University in support of these goals. 

T智慧ter: @clarksonadvance YouTube频道 

什么是NSF 推进?

  • This NSF program began in 2001 and since then, more than 160 institutions have received 推进 grants.
  • 推进的重点是“扩大以证据为基础的系统性变革战略的实施,促进STEM教师在学术工作场所和学术职业中的公平.



  • 显著减少与性别相关的隐性或无意偏见, 种族和民族, 性取向, 残疾, and 原产国
  • 支持当前和未来大学领导的包容性领导力发展以及STEM女性教师的专业发展
  • 通过全校范围的结构变革,促进这些系统性努力的可持续性 

联络我们: advance@yzhhchem.com. Learn about more options to get involved, including:

  • STEM Women Faculty Advisory Group
  • Advocates and Allies Program
  • Planning committees for various activities

The 推进 team at Clarkson includes President Marc Christensen, 劳拉Ettinger, 斯蒂芬妮Schuckers, 珍球, 比尔Jemison, 汤姆Langen, Sumona Mondal, Christopher Robinson, 琥珀斯蒂芬森, 艾米McGaheran, Elizabeth (Lisa) Podlaha-Murphy, 阿曼达·皮克林, 莎拉Treptow, 米歇尔·克里米. 

Leadership Development 
   * Annual one-day chair training retreat 
   * Once-a-semester 领导 roundtable 
   *为大学领导者和新兴领导者(尤其是女性)举办的领导力讲习班, self-identified or identified by others) 

STEM Women Faculty Workshops 

Workshops will be announced periodically. For more information or get involved, esball国际平台客户端


Talk to Media about 研究

esball国际平台客户端已与对话合作,以促进我们的教师作为主题专家在您的专业知识的独特领域. 每天,他们都会发表数十篇esball国际平台客户端COVID-19和气溶胶等及时主题的文章, where you sit in a room 智慧h COVID super-spreaders, fake accounts on social media, and why a contested election won’t destroy American democracy, 举几个例子. 他们总是从我们的教师专家那里寻找新的和独特的想法和故事.

Things that were covered:

  • Why talk to the media
  • Why it is important/valuable
  • What do the reporters actually want when they request to talk to you
  • How to frame your research so that it is consumable to broad audiences 
  • Ways to craft your message so that it is heard and used

Virtual Faculty Workshop

STEM LEAF/推进团队赞助了一个网络研讨会,该研讨会将重点关注如何在STEM课堂环境中成为积极的旁观者.

Be an Active Bystander

了解成为一个积极的旁观者的五个阶段,以及相关的好处和障碍. Practice intervening in various scenarios.

Advocates and Allies

  • 旨在通过男性教师的直接和积极参与改善性别平等.
    • 倡导者:在性别平等问题上自我教育的资深男性教师;
    • 同盟者:倡导组织将男性教师培养为各自院系性别平等的倡导者.
  • 超过15所大学使用,包括利哈伊大学和罗切斯特理工学院
  • In consultation 智慧h women faculty
  • 北达科他州立大学项目创始人介绍和培训:2020年秋季学期

Workshops will be announced periodically. For more information or get involved, contact Christopher Robinson

Structural Changes: Policies and Practices

  • Operations Manual Review
  • Department Chair duties 智慧h explicit reference to fostering a supportive, 多样化的, and inclusive departmental environment
  • 审查和可能修订有关征聘和保留女教员的学术政策
  • 提高政策意识,确保政策落到实处

Oral 历史 研究

  • 进行深入的口述历史采访与当前和前esball国际平台客户端女性识别干教师的样本.
  • 加深我们对女性STEM教师面临的挑战的理解, 尤其是在小的时候, technological universities in geographically isolated settings.
  • Inform attempts to change campus cultures and increase recruitment, 保留, and advancement of female-identified STEM faculty.


如何获得规模较小的联合教研大学的工作邀请,一旦获得该怎么办 作者:汤姆·兰根


What the Doctor Title Means for Women of Color 
Allyship (& Accomplice): The What, Why, and How 
The Psychological Impact of Constantly Having to Explain Racism 
Podcast: Isabel Wilkerson On America's Caste System : Fresh Air : NPR 
Podcast: Building an Anti-Racist Workplace - WorkLife 智慧h Adam Grant


10 Small Steps for department Chairs to Foster 包容 
How Colleges Can Cultivate Students' Sense of Belonging 
Diversity Doesn't Stick 智慧hout 包容


How do we become biased? 
All Along the Pipeline, Men Promote Men 


Institutional Approaches to Mentoring Faculty Colleagues


  • The 包容 Nudges Guidebook 丽莎·凯宾斯基著 & Tinna C. 尼尔森
    • 简介:包容性助推是一种实用的设计,可以影响无意识的思维,使其在日常行为中自动具有包容性, 领导, 和决策. 包容 Nudges are redesign of processes, reframing of perceptions, 也让人大开眼界,激励和吸引人们让包容成为世界各地的规范, 对每个人来说. 《esball国际app》是一本基于行为和社会科学以及对包容性停滞模式的见解而设计的100个如何操作示例的集合. 这些都是由我们和一个由变革者组成的全球社区设计和应用的,他们分享了自己经过验证的例子.
  • Invisible Women: Data 偏见 in a World Designed for Men by Caroline Criado Perez 
    • Synopsis: Data is fundamental to the modern world. From economic development, 医疗, to education and public policy, we rely on numbers to allocate resources and make crucial decisions. But because so much data fails to take into account gender, because it treats men as the default and women as atypical, bias and discrimination are baked into our systems. 女性为这种偏见付出了巨大的代价,时间、金钱,甚至是生命. 著名女权主义倡导者卡罗琳·克里亚多·佩雷斯在《esball国际平台客户端》一书中调查了令人震惊的性别不平等的根本原因和研究, diving into women’s lives at home, 工作场所, 公共广场, 医生办公室, 和更多的. Built on hundreds of studies in the US, 英国, and around the world, and written 智慧h energy, 智慧, and sparkling intelligence, this is a groundbreaking, unforgettable exposé that will change the way you look at the world.
  • 公平竞争 伊芙·罗德斯基
    • Synopsis: It started 智慧h the Sh*t I Do List. 厌倦了做一个“她错了”的父母,负责她忙碌的家庭的方方面面, Eve Rodsky counted up all the unpaid, 她为她的家庭做着无形的工作,然后把这份清单发给了她的丈夫, asking for things to change. 他的回答是...平庸的. 罗德斯基意识到,仅仅确定国内劳动不平等的问题是不够的:她需要一个解决这个普遍问题的办法. Her sanity, identity, career, and marriage depended on it. 其结果是公平竞争:一个节省时间和焦虑的系统,为夫妻提供了一种全新的方式来分担家务和责任. 罗德斯基采访了来自各行各业的500多名男性和女性,以弄清楚家庭中无形的工作实际上意味着什么,以及如何有效地完成这些工作. With four easy-to-follow rules, 100件家务, and a series of conversation starters for you and your partner, 公平竞争可以帮助你优先考虑对你的家庭重要的事情,以及谁应该带头处理从洗衣服到做作业到吃饭的每一件家务. "Winning" this game means rebalancing your home life, reigniting your relationship 智慧h your significant other, and reclaiming your Unicorn Space - as in, 这是培养技能和激情的时间,让你保持兴趣. 不要淹没在待办事项中,丢掉那些让你沮丧的看不见的工作. Are you ready to try 公平竞争? 让我们把你算进去.