The Department awards outstanding achievements in various categories, primarily to undergraduates but also to graduate students. Many have been made possible through sponsorships and in honor of former professors and students.


雷蒙德·R. 安德鲁斯奖
This award is sponsored by friends and past students of Professor Ray Andrews.  He taught CM223 for the majority of his 33 years at Clarkson.  He was a teacher dedicated to his profession by remaining current with advancing technology, 也献给学生们, 他们中的许多人成为了私人朋友.

Outstanding Senior 生物分子科学 奖
The Outstanding Senior 奖 is given to a graduating senior 生物分子科学 major 谁se career at Clarkson has been exemplified by academic excellence as well as service to the division and University.

Frank C. Goodrich Memorial Fund Undergraduate 奖
弗兰克·C. Goodrich Memorial Fund Undergraduate 奖 is given annually to a graduating senior 化学 major 谁se career at Clarkson has been exemplified by the traditions of scientific and humanistic thought and inquiry that made Professor Goodrich an outstanding chemist, 学者, 人类.

化学系 & 生物分子科学 Academic Achievement 奖
The Academic Achievement 奖 is presented in special recognition of exemplary academic performance and achievement in 生物分子科学.

爱德华·D. 塞耶纪念奖
爱德华·D. 塞耶纪念奖 is awarded to a senior 化学 or 生物分子科学 student 谁 has demonstrated academic excellence, superior contributions as an undergraduate teaching assistant and will be entering a graduate/professional school following graduation from Clarkson.  This award is in honor of Edward Sayer, 化学2004, 谁, 尽管他与疾病作斗争, 表现出以上所有的品质.

乔治·L. 琼斯小. 奖
This award is sponsored by the chemical fraternity Gamma Sigma Epsilon and awarded to an outstanding Sophomore 化学 major.

Dr. 乔治·L. 琼斯小. 纪念奖学金
This award recognizes an outstanding student in Physical 化学.

化学系 & 生物分子科学服务奖
化学 & 生物分子科学系 Service 奖 is a special award established to recognize extraordinary service to the Department and is supported by the 化学系 & 生物分子科学.

布鲁诺尔奖 was established by the 化学系 in 1973 in honor of Professor Stephen Brunauer, former chair of the Department and the first director of Clarkson’s Institute of Colloid and Surface Science, and one of the world’s most eminent and most respected chemists. It is awarded on Commencement day to a graduating senior 谁 has written an outstanding senior thesis in chemistry, and it is the highest professional honor that the department can bestow.

Northern New York Section of the American Chemical Society 奖
The Northern New York Section of the American Chemical Society 奖 is awarded to an outstanding senior 化学 major.

The 化学系 and 生物分子科学 Freshman 奖
The award recognizes an outstanding freshman student in the 化学系 and 生物分子科学.

Stig E. Friberg 奖 for Undergraduate 研究
Stig E. Friberg 奖 for Undergraduate 研究 will be bestowed upon a junior or senior showing excellent academic achievement 谁 is conducting original research and has either been published or has a clear path to publication.  The 奖 is made possible by the generous support of Stig’s past students and collaborators.

Egon Matijević Endowed 化学 Scholarship
The award was established in 1988 in honor of Dr. 大多Matijevic”, Clarkson’s Distinguished University Professor, for his enormous contribution to the scientific community around the globe and for his exemplary service to the 化学系 & 生物分子科学, the Center for Advanced Materials Processing, and the entire University. The award recognizes an outstanding undergraduate student in the 化学系 & 生物分子科学 with a 学者ship, which is renewable up to four years during the student’s undergraduate study at Clarkson.


Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant 奖
The Outstanding Teaching Assistant 奖 is given to a graduate Teaching Assistant in the 化学系 & 生物分子科学 谁 has demonstrated teaching excellence and high productivity in their research while maintaining an exemplary academic record.

The 优秀esball国际app奖 is given to an exceptional graduate student in the 化学系 & 生物分子科学 to honor their significant and outstanding research and 学者ly contributions.

Dr. 彼得·祖曼化学奖
这个奖项是为了纪念. 彼得·祖曼对, 以及对学生的贡献, 的同事们, the field of chemistry and esball国际平台客户端. 给n to a graduate chemistry student annually in support of their participation in conferences, 工作坊及专题讨论会, to support professional experience and development.